Captivity: 4/? 

There was a time when I lived in a sort of darkness that you could cut through with a blunt knife. You see, in the pit was despair and dismay that drained your soul and strangely, there were no guards at the mouth of this putrid hole to prevent people from leaving.

Once, there was a girl that left. The design of the pit was that even though many went away, many more came in and took up their spots at the speed of sound. But the girl came back, she feared that her mother could not do without her. She forgot, like many of us do, that only one firmly planted on the shore (or strong enough to swim) can stretch out a hand or put himself in the way to save the one who is drowning. What use if they both drown? 

This was the captivity I lived in. A prison I guarded by refusing to leave. And when redemption came, I almost crawled back in—my lover was still there. He refused to leave, shouldn’t I stay with him then? I became the girl I mocked because of her mother. 

Is this what you are saying to yourself? That you cannot leave because of those you’d leave behind? What if your absence is the salvation they need? And what if by leaving they get to follow in your steps? What if you can save them but only by first being saved? What if cleaving to the Light means that the ones you love dearly get to experience this light too?

This is a Light beyond this world. 

There will be scars, of course. There will be hurt and pain when you decide to leave the life you have always known. But bear in mind that we are first light, made from Light. Our original beings were not made to accommodate, let alone thrive, in darkness. Do not say ‘maybe I should never have left’, because it will never be better to remain in Egypt when Canaan awaits. 

Your Canaan is waiting but first, you must leave Egypt. 

“… if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 AMP. 

Image source: Pinterest.

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