
Hi there!

About Maranatha: a disciple of JESUS and a full-time proponent of the Great Commission. On the side, I am a copywriter skilled at conversion.

Nice to meet you, friend!

As a Christian Author, my life is dedicated to knowing and sharing GOD with others through the written Word while I wait for CHRIST’s second coming.

Through different resources, which I curate, targeted at different phases of the Christian journey, my ONE desire is to help you deepen your intimacy with JESUS CHRIST.

The closer we get to GOD, the easier it is to relate with HIM and carry out HIS Will.

About Maranatha - image of Maranatha

โ€œThen HE said to his disciples, โ€œThe harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the LORD of the harvest to send out workers into HIS harvest.โ€โ€

โ€ญโ€ญMatthewโ€ฌ โ€ญ9:37-38โ€ฌ โ€ญCSBโ€ฌโ€ฌ

About Maranatha - image of leaves

Psst…if youโ€™re on the prowl for a creative copywriter to articulate your ideas or digital products, Iโ€™m the one.

Some random things you might want to know about Maranatha (or not):

  1. I love to dress up, sometimes.
  2. Maranatha means โ€˜the Lord is comingโ€™.
  3. Iโ€™m a full homebody. I go out then I just want to go home.
  4. I love books! I once ran a book club that I hope to restart soon.
  5. I asked my little brother to tell me something interesting about me, and he said, โ€˜You no dey give upโ€™. Now thatโ€™s something ๐Ÿ˜‚
  6. If you’re looking for me, I mostly hang out at Maranathasletters.
  7. Disciple by day and Copywriter by day too!

Thereโ€™s more gist (if you want) on my blog!

About Maranatha
About Maranatha

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Let’s work together.
I’m available for:

  1. Speaking engagements. 
  2. Creative collaborations. 
  3. Anything that spreads the Gospel.