So I started working out…

I thought I could do all things until I had to do 50 sit-ups. 

Entry #0000002

*Chill, my clown makeup has got to be around here somewhere*

I started towards the end of October. I was pumped up but despite my โ€˜wantโ€™ for consistency, Iโ€™ve only worked out a little above 10 days (ok fine, 11 days in total)

But wait, before you cry out โ€˜shame,โ€™ let me tell you what happened this morning.

I wake up to see my little brother working out (hooge motivation. Actually, heโ€™s the reason Iโ€™ve even worked out for up to 11 days) and my mind goes, โ€˜not again.โ€™

I pick up my Bible from the side of my bed and am about to start my day when my spirit reminds me of my prayer just some minutes ago, โ€˜Jesus, help me see you in every part of my day today. Amen.โ€™

Well, this is a part of your day, isnโ€™t it? My conscience bings.
I stand still and it dawns on me like waves washing over the shore and drawing back slowly, leaving the feeling of something new but not unfamiliar.

Serving God means excellence in every area of my life. From my 10 minutes daily workout to my relationship with people. It seeps from the Holy Spirit and touches everything that I do.

God wants me to be consistent in this. Consistency in one area of my life is consistency in other areas. God is building me up to become the person that I want to be, no excuses.
I cannot โ€˜notโ€™ workout because I donโ€™t feel like – nuh-uh. Feelings are overrated and besides… what kind of person would that make me? Reminds me of the slacker in Proverbs 22:13

We serve a perfect God but in our striving for perfection, we leave some parts out and give the parts we feel God is interested in to Him. As much as God is interested in your salvation, He is also interested in everything else that you do and want.

I remember days in school when Iโ€™d be about to step out to get food and Iโ€™d tell God the particular food I want to buy so He makes a provision for it – spaghetti can get scarce sometimes. He does.

So I invite you to do this with me today and tomorrow. Put on your ‘God’ vision, view everything in His love and perfection.
Godโ€™s presence is the perfect point of view.

Through His eyes, our world lights up and what a beautiful sight it is.

Iโ€™ll admit, my 5-minute-workout-with-2-minutes-complaints-intervals must not have been very beautiful to my brother who was trying to keep my motivated – but I did it.

And I will do it again tomorrow and the day after. Because serving the King requires nothing less than my best.

Shalom โค๏ธ๐Ÿ•Šโœจ

2 responses to “So I started working out…”

  1. Lois avatar

    We have the same prayer๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Like I thought that prayer point was just be being over dramatic, over zealous,I donโ€™t know how to explain it. Iโ€™m actually speechless, Iโ€™m touched. Thank you

    1. Maranatha avatar

      Aww โ™ฅ It is one prayer I pray always because I believe it is very essential to see Jesus in every aspect of our life. It is the God perspective that will help us see people as He sees them and not struggle with doing the right thing.

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