A prayer for you

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 1:2. kjv)

This is what I pray for you reading this. I pray that every part of you flourishes in Him, that you never lose sight of His loving gaze. That your eyes are open to see Him, your ears are open to listen and your hands ready to do His good will.

I pray you thrive in His presence. That even when youโ€™re in pain and have nothing to fall back on, when you cannot reconcile your suffering to His goodness, that you just hold tight to Him. Firmly grip His hands and never let go.

I pray you always stay, even when it does not seem to make sense. I pray you always remember that your life is nowhere safer than in ABBAโ€™s hands. Amen.

P.S – If you need prayers and would like that I intercede for you, please click here.

Shalom โค๏ธ๐Ÿ•Šโœจ

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