Fasting Day 07 – He listens

It's not wise to sleep in a sulky mood.

But I did and now I’m waking up with fragments of a dream. I’m not saying it’s a cause and effect thing, I’m just saying you shouldn’t sleep in a sulky mood.

This morning, I am moved to pick up my Bible and continue my Bible in One Year reading plan. I usually do this in the afternoon but I’m going along with my spirit this morning. I am way behind schedule but I prioritize a deep understanding of the scriptures over finishing it quickly so there you go and here I am.

Jesus is waiting for me in Romans 5:3-4 and when my eyes scan the text, I want to hug my Bible so tight since it is the most physical representation of Him that I can find. Abba!

And not only that, but we also boast in our afflictions,
because we know that affliction produces endurance,
endurance produces proven character, and
proven character produces hope.

I remember why I was sulky; it’s an issue I did not really have much control over but seeing these verses this morning reassures me. I read somewhere that we should always…

trust God’s love in what He allows

I do! Even in times of tribulations or trials.

The rest of my afternoon is taken up by work and talking with friends. I assure you, there is nothing like having friends who love God and seek Him like you do. I bless God for this huge blessing everyday โ™ฅ

At 6pm, one prayer point resonates deeply with my heart. Nigeria is now among the top ten on the world’s list of places most unsafe for Christians as a result of persecution. This is heartbreaking news that we need to tender before God daily as part of this body of Christ.

You see, we Christians cannot afford to live in a bubble. We are saved to save those around us through the gospel and to impact change to this world. I’ve heard somewhere that ‘injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ This applies to us too.
May God keep and protect these ones whose lives are in danger for the gospel. May He strengthen them, provide a means of escape and most of all, may His will be done. Amen.

Some more prayer points:

  1. That His elect is empowered for good works through which the gospel prevails
  2. That we have the wisdom to execute God’s will in all that we do

Finally, as Pastor D., the mistering pastor, says, “the outcomes of a season like this are predictable.”
Cornelius fasted and God appeared to him, giving him instructions that would save his life and that of his household; Paul and Barnabas fasted and the Holy Spirit separated them for a different ministry (Acts 10: 1 – 5; 29-31 & Acts 13: 2 – 3).

A season of fasting is for you to not only bring your petitions before God but to also receive of Him. I declare that you are moved by and of God as you fast and pray.

You can watch a rebroadcast here:

You are strengthed by His Spirit
Shalom โ™ฅ๐Ÿ•Šโœจ

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