Fasting Day 09 – A place of rest

Don't you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves?

I wake up late from the fatigue of yesterday, but I feel so much better – sleep will do that for you ๐Ÿ˜‰. A Bible plan my friend has invited me to reminds me of my encounter yesterday and Romans 12:10 stands out for me:

Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

It makes so much sense that we should want to outdo ourselves in doing good to each other. That we want to make sure our brother is doing okay. That you can put the next person’s needs before yours. There canot be a Cain in this flock.
You can hope that doing good to people will inspire them to do the same to you; while it can, you should not make that the central reason for your service. Serve because it is what God has called you to do.

Serve because it makes you a representation of the infinite possibilities of God through men.


See and treat people through the lens of God’s eyes so they see Him through your own eyes. So they see your works and give glory to God. Living a life of peace with all men is not optional, it is what God has called you and me to do. A life of love and honesty with each other. The more of Him there is, the less of you there is (John 3:30). May we keep learning of Yeshua (Matthew 11:29), Amen.

These prayer points stood out for me in today’s prayer session:

  1. Santify us by Your word, that we may never give the devil an inroad or a foothold in our lives. We pray this for our loved ones too.
  2. The trajectory of your family is changed, that whatever negative patterns there was ends now
  3. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church for Abba will strengthen His elect
  4. As you fast, you get the wisdom and instructions, just like Esther, and you know what to do next to save the people around you from evil

As I write this, I have six testimonies that have developed just within the space of today. I will share one with you as a sign to you that prayer does work and that God does listen. Would you believe it if I told you that in the same hour I complain of being broke to Amanda on FaceTime, an old colleague texts me with an offer of a gig? I look up to the heavens with a smile on my face heart full of thanks and I say, ‘Lord I find this suspicious!‘ (Tiktok trend alert ๐Ÿ˜…).

I spend most of my time in front of my screen today but as I join the prayer session for this evening, certain peace keeps my heart and I feel myself relax into His embrace. Jesus is THE place of rest, everything else fades when He’s in the room. Believe this ๐Ÿค

They work. Prayers work. You can join today’s prayer session below and start to change things for yourself:

Shalom โ™ฅ๐Ÿ•Šโœจ

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