Roses are red, Val’s day should end.

This post is for single people only.

No Valentine for you? Again this year? Wiun.

Ok ok, wait, I’m not here to mock you. See, there is no need to be sad, look at the perks of not having a Valentine’s date:

  1. You won’t get to wear red and white. Because you are not Santa Claus and Christmas was only last month.
  2. You get to listen to sad love songs all by yourself. I mean, think of all the artistes that won’t sell if you did have a Val. You are actually being very considerate (this is preparation for your eventual relationship).
  3. You get to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ because love needs an audience and you won’t be available if you had a partner. Thanks for showing up.
  4. Your potential partner has more time to prepare to shawa you with love and care. They’re probably taking notes right now from Instagram PDAs.
  5. You won’t cry when your partner gives you a gift. This is mostly because you don’t have a partner so your tears will be saved for when the Holy Spirit moves. Hallelujah.

There is more but I will let you digest these ones first. So you see that being a pringle is not so bad after all?

Protip – Don’t try to take yourself out, it’s a trap. The debit alert will pain you more than the fact that you don’t have a Val’s date.

You’re probably wondering if I’m in the same shoes with you or I am just trying to make you feel better. I feel you should focus on the latter because hey! At least I am trying. Haters will hate and potatoes will potate.

I’m making this post by 5am, 14th February, 2022. I have a serious cold with accompanying headache. I am a bit sleep deprived and yet, here I am, cheering for you single pringle and writing this so you can laugh a bit this tension season. Don’t ask if I am funny, I know you’ve laughed already. If this is not love, my friend, what is?

Protip – Gift your mom or dad or siblings or friends this season. It would certainly mean a lot to them.

I sent out a love letter to my subscribers this morning and I gave some practical tips for today. Because of love, I will be re-sharing here:

  1. If you honestly cannot stand all the mushiness of this season, please stay off social media. It will do you good.
  2. That you do not have a Val does not mean you will not have a Val, eventually. One day, not today, but some day. Hope is a beautiful thing. ๐Ÿ˜…
  3. Take care not to attach so much eagerness to love on this day more than other days.
  4. Be genuinely happy for people who are celebrating with their SOs.
  5. If you’re celebrating, I think that is awesome and I hope you have the best day today with yours.
  6. If you don’t have a Val, I can be yours. I only accept gifts though, I don’t give out ๐Ÿ˜Ž

And because God’s love is really the sweetest and our ability to love comes from Him, here is a specially curated playlist that reminds me of God’s deep love for me – Abba’s in Love With Me.

Maybe you have had a bad experience on this date and every year, the sour taste returns to your mouth. Can I tell you to let it go? I had the craziest Valentine last year (a lot of tears, then I collected breakfast that covered for lunch and dinner) but as I thought about it this year, I realize I do not want to be a killjoy to myself because of a past that I cannot change. I will be oohing and aahing from the front row with my popcorn in hand. If I don’t have, I will cheer for those that do.

Dear single pringle, I’m making this short because I know you cannot wait to head to Instagram and view all the lovey-dovey stuff that will go on there. I’ll be putting on my whole armour because such sport is not for the weak. Read No. 1 point up there again ๐Ÿ‘†

Promise me one thing? That as soon as you start to feel overwhelmed or some type of way, you will log off and listen to the playlist up there, to be reminded of God’s love. It will do you so much good.

Val’s date or not, my friend, you are precious to Abba and me.

Stay jiggy and no, I don’t think Val’s day should end. I just loved how the title sounded. I love Valentine’s Day and I think you should! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Please share with your single friends! The share buttons are right in front of you.

Shalom โค๐Ÿ•Šโœจ

2 responses to “Roses are red, Val’s day should end.”

  1. Chioma Jeremiah avatar

    It’s so many messages in one. I never thought that people actually have bad experiences on this day that all the celebrations will remind them off. It’s sad.

    Yes, I do hope you heal soon.

    1. Maranatha avatar

      Oh people do go through sad experiences and the date being a publicly celebrated one like this makes the remembrance an annual one. Amen and thank you for your comment โค

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