I shall not want…

“You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.”
(Psalms 23:5)

What does it really mean to overflow? All the times I have read this verse, I have linked it to material prosperity. But that changed recently after I read somewhere:

[tweet]” ‘Plenty’ does not equal prosperity, just as ‘want’ does not equal poverty. “[/tweet]

And it made so much sense! That we do not measure our ‘overflow’ in Christ by how much we currently have in our bank accounts or the recent promotion at work or how well our lives seem to be going smoothly.

In reality, we are always in want of God’s mercy and grace and in Him, these cups are always full and overflowing for which man can count his many sins before God? And who but God can supply enough grace to make us right before Him?

You see, that although this world has a fixed poverty-to-prosperity scale to measure their overflow or states of want, we in the kingdom work differently. We are in want of grace and God’s supply of such grace is infinite. It overflows. This is our mark of prosperity; we have immortality.

So I pray that your eyes are open to see how rich you truly are in the kingdom of God. I pray that you resist the urge to measure your heavely riches through the faulty scales of this world. I pray that you revel in the knowledge of this and that at moments when you need to remember, the Holy Spirit reminds you.

Above all, I pray for the peace of God to carry you through every life situation because you know, that the battles you fight have already been won. Glory!

One way you can carry and feel the presence of God through your day is by plugging in to Him through praise or worship.

My friend, you are rich, truly rich! You’re not just a billionaire in this kingdom, you’re a trillionaire and every other ‘naire’ that has not been discovered because the world has never grasped such wealth. I hope you walk like a billionaire as you go about today; chin up, head held high like the child of a King that you are.

P.S โ€“ If you need prayers and would like that I intercede for you, please click here.

Shalom ๐Ÿ•Šโ™ฅโœจ

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