Too close

“With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
Psalms 91:16

This past week, I encountered a fear Iโ€™d never encountered before. The fear of death. It was the strangest thing.

As I processed my thoughts on why I felt the way that I did, it became apparent. Never, have I ever, gotten as far as God has brought me. Never have I ever been this invested in myself and my dreams. Never have my dreams become so tangible that I could see and almost feel them. 

I realized that ever since I met God, He has helped me be intentional about every effort I make. When I was younger, I was content with just dreaming and never knowing if anything was really possible. I smile now as I recall my diaries where I wrote that I would be a great author and write many books. With Abba, I have started that journey. With Abba, I can see that all things really are possible – the evidence is everywhere. Even on the days I put little effort, I still seem to be getting closer and closer to all that I want. 

This birthed a fear in me. Is God really this good? Does He really give all that I ask for without holding back from you and me? Itโ€™s so scary that I feel I may not live to see the next day. That the world may not get to see all that the Lord has put in me.

The answer is a strong ‘YES’ though. Yes He is good, faithful and will take you as far as you can dream. The question is not how far God can go, it’s how far you can go.

As I write these words, I declare them again over myself:

That the Lord has given me length of days
I am satisfied with old age
I will live long, and I will live full
I will groan and birth all the Lord has placed within me.

I pray,
That God will hold your hands and take you to all the places He wants you to be
Every talent He has given you will be birthed and produce innumerable fruits
Your life will touch lives
You will live long to see God’s goodness in your life and that of those around you
Your life is driven by the purpose of God for you
Above all, you will stand firm in His promises to you
For they are true and will surely come to pass.

You are closer to where God wants you to be than you have ever been.

P.S โ€“ If you need prayers and would like that I intercede for you, please click here.

Shalom โค๐Ÿ•Šโœจ

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