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Quiet: 1/?
When I was 14, I wanted my parents to be my adopted parents and Dangote to be my real father. At 16, I just wanted to get into school because all my mates were undergraduates so I couldn’t care less if I got Law or not—I changed my course. At 20, I lived for the weekends with a bottle in hand. My soul despaired but I maintained because the world was happy with me.
The silence of the narrow way is medicine for your soul. On this path trodden by a few, it is spacious (Psalm 31:8). When I lost my brother, I drank an entire bottle of Magic Moment and my friends returned to find me in a stupor. To my surprise (or not), my hurt deepened. No quantity of alcohol can reach your heart. No amount of drugs, money, sex, or vanity can heal you and give you freedom.
We were born sick, right from the womb we were immersed in sin. We do not learn evil, we only amplify it because it already lives within us. To heal is to return to your Source and remain; dying to sin so you can live again. To walk against the world is quiet and in that quiet GOD’s Voice is not still and small but a roar giving vitality and redemption to your soul.
The most precious things cannot be bought—the arc of a roaring wave, the smile of a satisfied child, the blissful bosom of a lover, the gift of salvation…
Hold your life in your hands right now. Is this what it should be? Or you cannot see anything more than this? It is away from what is mainstream that you will find Living Water. Look away.
“There it was—the true Light [the genuine, perfect, steadfast Light] which, coming into the world, enlightens everyone.” John 1:9 AMP
Come to JESUS, the Light that enlightens. The Prince of Peace. HE will give you rest.
“… if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 AMP.
Image source: Pinterest.
One response to “Quiet: 1/? ”
[…] I made the first post ‘Quiet’, a sister reached out to me asking: ‘Do you think people want better, beyond the material? Do […]
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