Light seeks LIGHT: 2/?

After I made the first post โ€˜Quietโ€™, a sister reached out to me asking: โ€˜Do you think people want better, beyond the material? Do people desire the truth, deep down within them? Do people want GODโ€™s love and not just material things?โ€™

Yes, yes we all do. 

Her question took me down memory lane into my past before CHRIST. I thought of the days when I would daily post a Scripture on my WhatsApp status (out of habit). Even though I was disobeying JESUS every 2 seconds. I thought of the days I would call on a GOD I didnโ€™t know in my time of trouble. Then forget HIM once the storm passed.ย 

To compact my abstracted thoughts, here is my โ€˜simpleโ€™ answerโ€ฆ

We are made of light, from Light. The breath in our bodies comes from THE Light. Even while we dine and wine in sin, our souls long for Light. In every human is a GOD-shaped hole that only GOD can fill. We bear the image of the Most High. So, even when we do not know what it is, there is a longing within us that we desperately try to fill with everything but GODโ€”we donโ€™t know better.ย 

You see, weโ€™re spiritual vessels made to contain HIS Spirit and desires. These are the things designed to fill us up. However, the nature of sin breeds foolishness and spiritual blindness. Instead of our spirits, we rely heavily on carnality and the fleshโ€”what our eyes can see. We seek money, fame, comfort, romantic love etc. in our search for satisfaction.


But this is like filling a basket with water. It is foolish, unrewarding and will cost you precious timeโ€”it has cost some their souls. How ironic that we seek to consume these things but they turn around, consume us and leave us ravenous, like zombies with open stomachs and hanging intestines. Our systems were not designed to digest carnality, so we purge and we suffer. Rather than desist, we repeat the cycle of madness; chasing another vanity but expecting different results.ย 

Though sin dims our light, it lurks and when the Source, the Light calls us, the fabric of our being responds to HIMโ€”daring to shine as in the beginning. The flesh fights, of course, and we might decide not to choose HIM after all. But our recognition of this Light that our being is made from is proof of our compatibility with and need for HIM.ย 

John 3:19-20 says: โ€œThis is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed.โ€

We are inherently evil because of the nature of sin. So, we avoid light even though we are originally made from Light. This is why many run from HIM and it often feels like thereโ€™s a preference for vanityโ€”it covers our evil.ย 


This Light is JESUS and โ€œAll the prophets testify about him that through his name everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins.โ€ (Acts 10:43).

LIGHT to light you up is calling you. PEACE beyond this world is calling you. Will you answer? 

โ€œBelieve in the Lord Jesus, and you will be savedโ€‰โ€”โ€‰you and your household.โ€ (Acts 16:31).

In every human is a GOD-shaped hole that only GOD can fill. You are a round hole and HE is the round peg that fits cosily within you.ย 

LIGHT to light you up is calling you. Will you answer?

โ€œโ€ฆ if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.โ€ Romans 10:9 AMP.ย 

Image source: Pinterest.

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