I’m a bit worried…

Today I saw a post on social media that did not sit well with my spirit.

Entry #0000003

Mostly because something did not seem right about it. It was a picture that looked something like a parody of a painting done by a renaissance artist.
The text above it shouted, ‘This is Job. Job’s friends thought he was stupid for remaining faithful to God. Job didn’t care,’ with the said ‘Job’ on the left while three men raised accusing fingers at him from the right.

I lingered on the post looking for what was out of place. Registering nothing, I continued my scrolling through my Instagram feed. A second later, a light bulb toggles on in my head and I realized what had unsettled me – there was no part of the Bible where Job’s friends insinuated he was stupid for remaining faithful to God!

I scrolled up again and looked at the post, taking a screenshot to ensure my mind was not playing games with me. I head to Job, searched Google and still found no such thing.


So I am worried. That Christianity is taken lightly and that the Word of God is reduced to mere social posts to trigger likes and shares. That there is no proof of accuracy and yet, people share and reshare these things. What happened to examining the Scriptures to see if what was said was true?

I’ve seen numerous misinterpretation and what may even be described as outright misquoting of the Scripture – it seems to be very commonplace on social media. Is it to be a thing of joy to see the ‘gospel’ being shared if it’s not the truth? It’s not just Bible stories to create awareness, these are God-breathed words that save.

Can we point out these things when we see them? Can we share the truth as much as possible? It’s our duty. This casuality in the place of the truth of Christ is alarming.

My friend, happy is your feet as you carry this goodnews wherever you go. May the Spirit simply stir you up to always desire the spread of the truth.

I pray this for you and I pray from the depth of my heart that your mouth be unable to stop speaking of the good news that you have heard. May your lips be full of testimonies and your tongue attest to ABBA’s wonders. Amen.

Shalom โ™ฅ๐Ÿ•Šโœจ

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