Ogonna’s blog

Image of Maranatha, Christian author

A space for you and me…

In this space, I share everything that God asks me to. But think outside of the box with me–if you’re looking for think pieces head over to the Articles category. Short stories? Head to the Short Stories category. If it’s specifically about my walk with JESUS, you want to make your bed in My JESUS diary. Poems, prayers, any way you turn, you’re sure to meet the TRUTH. ✨

  • Where to find a Christian Hedonist. 

    Where to find a Christian Hedonist. 

    Maranatha believes in savoring food over rapid consumption, a view Fems humorously brands ‘Christian Hedonism.’ In a letter, Maranatha explains that finding pleasure in life aligns with God’s will, whether in good times or bad. She reflects on her journey from strictness to embracing joy in Christ, seeing pleasure as inclusive of both enjoyment and…


  • Another posthumous birthday, brother.

    Another posthumous birthday, brother.

    I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where you are. 02/06/23. Emeka, happy birthday. 🎂 I remember. I do. I always say that the people who are forgotten are the ones who have no one to remember them. I think this is true. The ones we know who have attained immortality despite physical death…


  • Heaven or hell?

    Heaven or hell?

    The existence of hell is proof of God’s cruelty? 26/05/23. Dear Cheryl, I am writing today. not to share obtained knowledge but to articulate a heaviness that thoughts alone cannot decipher. I’ve been thinking a lot about heaven and hell. I made peace with death in 2020, the Corona pandemic year. I wasn’t born-again then,…


  • I forgot my password.

    I forgot my password.

    Who the hell locks a Note on their phone that already has a password + Face ID? Me. Me the hell. 02/01/23. Dear Cheryl, It’s morning. I’ve just woken up to pray and study my Bible. I pick up my phone and head to my latest worship playlist on Apple Music to pull me from…


  • Akunnaya.


    Akunnaya means ‘her father’s wealth’. 12/05/23 Cheryl, I was speaking to my dad, or rather my dad was talking to me, last week when he called me ‘Akunnaya’. I know we talk about butterflies when we fall in love or when our crush finally looks at us. But I felt something bigger than butterflies as…


  • I hear the song He sings over me.

    I hear the song He sings over me.

    My heart has written. 05/05/23 Dear Cheryl, I wrote this… poem sometime last month. I cannot remember the exact circumstances, but while I prayed this morning, my heart remembered it again in fondness and longing. I named it ‘my heart has written’ because it is a new song from a part of my soul I…


  • ‘Somersault. Jump up. Fall down and die.’

    ‘Somersault. Jump up. Fall down and die.’

    Here’s the winning strategy to defeat all your haters and enemies. 28/04/23 Dear Cheryl, I never really understood my parents praying against ‘enemies’ and casting and binding people — especially when we, the children, knew very well the specific human beings their prayers were directed at.  But as I grow older, I realise that some…


  • God wants me to be poor?

    God wants me to be poor?

    Is there a middle ground between prosperity and poverty gospel? Some time ago, I was convinced that God wanted me to be poor. Was it not in the Scriptures? Was Jesus a ‘rich’ man? Maybe I am being greedy by wanting the good things in life. As you already know, I was wrong. There is…


  • I lied. I don’t wanna go out more.

    I lied. I don’t wanna go out more.

    Here is the story of an experiment gone wrong. 13/11/22 Dear Cheryl, I’m a homebody. Full-time, no days off. ‘Why don’t we ever go out? Our lives are like a triangle, from home to work to church and back home. It has to change this year.’ This was Amanda, my closest friend, complaining about our…


  • A prayer for softness of heart

    A prayer for softness of heart

    ” Search me, O God, and know my heart;    test me and know my anxious thoughts.Point out anything in me that offends you,    and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”Psalms 139:23-24, NLT. Lord, I want a soft heartNot a heart that won’t stray, but a heart that won’t fight You when You call me back.…

