Ogonna’s blog

Image of Maranatha, Christian author

A space for you and me…

In this space, I share everything that God asks me to. But think outside of the box with me–if you’re looking for think pieces head over to the Articles category. Short stories? Head to the Short Stories category. If it’s specifically about my walk with JESUS, you want to make your bed in My JESUS diary. Poems, prayers, any way you turn, you’re sure to meet the TRUTH. ✨

  • Don’t let the pain change you. Please.

    Don’t let the pain change you. Please.

    For a second, I cannot hear anything. Maybe pain deafens too. There are different forms of pain, but I believe the highest of them all is death. Because it steals hope and contradicts everything that life stands for. When I lost my brother a few years back, it was an entanglement with not just bad…


  • As surely…

    As surely…

    Lord, as surely as my eyes can behold the beauty in this world that you have woven with your handsMay my heart swell in acceptance of the beauty of Your WordMay I revel in in Your instructions Lord, as surelyas sleep overtakes me after a tired dayMay Your laws compact my actionsMay my words and…


  • Roses are red, Val’s day should end.

    Roses are red, Val’s day should end.

    This post is for single people only. No Valentine for you? Again this year? Wiun. Ok ok, wait, I’m not here to mock you. See, there is no need to be sad, look at the perks of not having a Valentine’s date: You won’t get to wear red and white. Because you are not Santa…


  • A prayer for faith

    A prayer for faith

    “Trust in the Lord with all your heart… “(Proverbs 3:5) I’ve found that knowing the promises of God does not prevent doubt from creeping in, especially when the answers seem so far off.This is why this prayer is important. Just agree with me and it is yours by faith! “Dear Lord, today I pray for…


  • Fasting Day 11 – The last day.

    Fasting Day 11 – The last day.

    I bring you good tidings from the Most High. I’ve had the most stressful past three days and enough reasons to send me into the stress ER. I like to think I’m getting better at holding my own. The most beautiful thing happens this afternoon, when a close friend of mine refers me to a…


  • Fasting Day 10 – Answered prayers

    Fasting Day 10 – Answered prayers

    Here before me, is all I prayed for and more. Today starts off really well, I mean as always. 😅 Something happens this morning to warm my heart; my little brother asks me to wake him up so we can pray together in the morning. I shake my head in disapproval because this is a…


  • Fasting Day 09 – A place of rest

    Fasting Day 09 – A place of rest

    Don’t you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves? I wake up late from the fatigue of yesterday, but I feel so much better – sleep will do that for you 😉. A Bible plan my friend has invited me to reminds me of my encounter yesterday and Romans 12:10 stands out for…


  • Fasting Day 08 – Out and about

    Fasting Day 08 – Out and about

    My mind is full today. The details of yesterday night are clear in my mind when I wake up. Yesterday, a negative pattern in my behaviour was revealed to me and I was beyond shook because it never looked that way to me. The test comes almost immediately – a little disclosure: I have the…


  • Fasting Day 07 – He listens

    Fasting Day 07 – He listens

    It’s not wise to sleep in a sulky mood. But I did and now I’m waking up with fragments of a dream. I’m not saying it’s a cause and effect thing, I’m just saying you shouldn’t sleep in a sulky mood. This morning, I am moved to pick up my Bible and continue my Bible…


  • Roses are red

    Roses are red

    Roses are redViolets are blueI’m in sync with youAnd I’ll do all you’ll have me do Roses are redViolets are blueFast or slow may seem this raceBut I’ll always move at your pace — Maranatha10/01/2022

