Ogonna’s blog

Image of Maranatha, Christian author

A space for you and me…

In this space, I share everything that God asks me to. But think outside of the box with me–if you’re looking for think pieces head over to the Articles category. Short stories? Head to the Short Stories category. If it’s specifically about my walk with JESUS, you want to make your bed in My JESUS diary. Poems, prayers, any way you turn, you’re sure to meet the TRUTH. ✨

  • Fasting Day 06 – Busy…

    Fasting Day 06 – Busy…

    I need 20 hours per day, not 24. I hear people speak with so much conviction about how they would like some extras hours in a day; 24 hours is simply not enough. I disagree, what would I do with all that time? Today starts off so beautifully. Remember the big step I told you…


  • I hear a voice…

    I hear a voice…

    The zoo was my favourite place in school. After my bed. The first time I read Isaiah 30:21, I was at the zoo for my quiet time. It was peaceful, serene and devoid of enough animals to qualify the place as a zoo – maybe a tale of corruption and mismanagement in the Nigerian federal…


  • Fasting Day 05 – Satisfaction.

    Fasting Day 05 – Satisfaction.

    “When I awake, I will see you face to face and be satisfied.”Psalms 17:15 Waking up to a day that God has set up for me is the first thing that makes me happy every morning when I get up. Getting to spend time with Him is something I will never get over. Today has…


  • Fasting Day 04 – Be mindful.

    Fasting Day 04 – Be mindful.

    Each day is often best enjoyed slow. I like today. I really like today. I remember hating Thursdays because in secondary school, it meant double Maths period in the morning. Favour is a big girl now. Hehe. I’m practicing mindfulness, a concept I picked up from a YouVersion plan about Turning off the noise around…


  • Fasting Day 03 – Wrong move.

    Fasting Day 03 – Wrong move.

    For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time  are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 You see this Bible verse up here 👆, that’s what I’m using to hold body throughout today. I made a teeny-weeny mistake yesterday when I broke my fast by eating a…


  • Fasting Day 02 – I can do this 😉

    Fasting Day 02 – I can do this 😉

    ‘Can’t steal my… energy, energy, energy!’ The first thing I hear when I wake up is the rumble of my stomach. What sorcery. I take a minute to laugh at the devil because it cannot be me. I feel a lot more energized this morning though; after my prayers I have my bath and start…


  • Fasting Day 01 – Let’s go!

    Fasting Day 01 – Let’s go!

    I bring you good tidings from the Most High. It’s Day 02 of the fast as I write this. Today, I told myself that no matter what happened I would publish a post here. For you. I must. So I wrote on a piece of paper as I made a work call that by 7…


  • Still learning…

    Still learning…

    Still learning to love God, as much as He loves me Still learning to put Him first,above and beyond Still learning to wrap my heart like a present each day,and lay it at His feet Still learning not to hold on to tightly,for there is more to go and more to come It is beautiful…


  • A Christmas Prayer ♥🎄♥

    A Christmas Prayer ♥🎄♥

    “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”(Isaiah 9:6) In the festivities of this season, may we always remember why we celebrate. Abba, put…


  • For loved ones who are not saved…

    For loved ones who are not saved…

    I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow My decrees and be careful to keep My laws. They will be My people, and I will be their God.(Ezekiel 11:19-20)…

